Feline Fun: Exploring the Fascinating Relationship Between Catnip and Dogs

Feline Fun: Exploring the Fascinating Relationship Between Catnip and Dogs

Catnip is a herb belonging to the mint family and is known for its euphoric effects on cats. When exposed to catnip, cats often rub, lick, and roll around in the plant, becoming excited and playful. However, catnip isn’t just for cats; some dog owners have reported giving their furry friends catnip and observing similar reactions. In this article, we will explore the relationship between catnip and dogs and answer some common questions regarding this topic.

Can Dogs Have Catnip?

Yes, dogs can have catnip, and it’s generally considered safe for them to consume. However, while catnip is non-toxic to dogs, some dogs may not have any reaction to it at all. Additionally, some dogs may have an adverse reaction to catnip, including vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive drooling. Therefore, it’s essential to start with small amounts and monitor your dog’s behavior after consuming catnip.

How Does Catnip Affect Dogs?

The active ingredient in catnip, called nepetalactone, affects the nervous system of cats, triggering a response that leads to increased activity and playfulness. However, the effect of catnip on dogs is less predictable. While some dogs may become more playful and energetic after consuming catnip, others may become calm and sedated.

Furthermore, the reaction to catnip can also depend on the individual dog’s personality and breed. For example, some dog breeds are more predisposed to being sensitive to scents and may, therefore, have a stronger reaction to catnip. Additionally, older dogs and dogs with underlying medical conditions may not react to catnip at all.

Is Catnip Safe for Dogs?

As mentioned earlier, catnip is non-toxic to dogs and generally considered safe for consumption. However, it’s important to ensure that the catnip you’re giving your dog is free of any pesticides or chemicals that may be harmful. Additionally, while catnip may have a calming effect on some dogs, it’s not recommended to use it as a substitute for medical treatment for anxiety or other conditions.

Can Catnip Help with Anxiety in Dogs?

While some pet owners have reported using catnip to calm their dogs down, there is limited scientific evidence to support this claim. However, nepetalactone, the active ingredient in catnip, has been shown to have a mild sedative effect on humans, so it’s possible that it could have a similar effect on dogs.

That said, it’s important to note that anxiety in dogs can have various underlying causes, and catnip may not be effective in all cases. Therefore, if your dog is experiencing anxiety, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the root cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Can Dogs Become Addicted to Catnip?

While catnip isn’t addictive for cats, there is limited research on its effects on dogs. However, because the effects of catnip on dogs are less predictable, it’s essential to monitor your dog’s behavior after consuming catnip. If you notice any adverse reactions or changes in behavior, it’s best to avoid giving your dog catnip in the future.

How to Give Your Dog Catnip?

If you decide to give your dog catnip, it’s best to start with a small amount to see how your dog reacts. You can try sprinkling a small amount of dried catnip on your dog’s food or toys or offering it directly to them. Alternatively, you can purchase catnip-infused toys or treats specifically designed for dogs.


In conclusion, while catnip is generally considered safe for dogs, the effects can vary significantly depending on the individual dog’s personality and breed. Additionally, it’s important to monitor your dog’s behavior after consuming catnip and to start with small amounts to ensure that your dog doesn’t have an adverse reaction. While catnip may have a calming effect on some dogs, it’s not recommended to use it as a substitute for medical treatment for anxiety or other conditions. If your dog is experiencing anxiety, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the root cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

It’s also important to ensure that the catnip you’re giving your dog is free of any pesticides or chemicals that may be harmful. When purchasing catnip, look for organic, pesticide-free options to ensure that you’re giving your dog a safe and healthy treat.

Overall, while catnip and dogs can have a positive relationship, it’s important to remember that not all dogs will have a reaction to catnip, and some may have adverse effects. As with any new treat or supplement, it’s best to start with small amounts and monitor your dog’s behavior to ensure that they’re not having an adverse reaction.

Catnip and Dogs: Fun Facts

Here are some fun facts about catnip and dogs:

  • Nepetalactone, the active ingredient in catnip, is similar in structure to pheromones that are found in certain dogs’ urine. This may be why some dogs are attracted to the scent of catnip.
  • While most cats have a strong reaction to catnip, only about 50% of dogs will have a reaction.
  • Catnip can also have a calming effect on some dogs, making it a great treat to give before car rides or vet visits.
  • Some dogs may even be able to smell catnip from a distance, making it a great way to engage in scent work and mental stimulation.
  • If your dog is one of the many who don’t react to catnip, there are plenty of other herbs and plants that you can offer them, such as valerian root or chamomile.

Final Thoughts

While catnip and dogs may seem like an unusual pairing, it’s clear that there can be a positive relationship between the two. As long as you start with small amounts and monitor your dog’s behavior, catnip can be a safe and enjoyable treat to offer your furry friend. However, it’s essential to remember that not all dogs will have a reaction to catnip, and some may have adverse effects. If you have any concerns about giving your dog catnip or notice any changes in behavior after consumption, consult with your veterinarian. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy the benefits of catnip and dogs together.

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