What Does Catnip Do to Cats? A Guide to Its Effects and Benefits

What Does Catnip Do to Cats? A Guide to Its Effects and Benefits

If you’re a cat owner or a cat lover, you’ve probably heard of catnip. It’s a herb that has a special effect on cats and can create a euphoric reaction in them. But, what exactly is catnip, and what does it do to cats? In this article, we will dive into the science of catnip and its effects on felines.

What is Catnip?

Catnip is a herb from the mint family, scientifically known as Nepeta cataria. It is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, but can now be found all around the world. Catnip contains a chemical compound called nepetalactone, which is responsible for the reaction in cats.

How Does Catnip Affect Cats?

When a cat smells or ingests catnip, the nepetalactone enters their system and binds to their olfactory receptors. These receptors are responsible for the cat’s sense of smell, and when they are stimulated by catnip, they send a signal to the cat’s brain. This signal triggers a range of responses that can vary from cat to cat.

Most cats will start rubbing their heads and bodies on the catnip or rolling around in it. This behavior is known as “catnip crazies.” Other cats may become more active and playful, while some may become more relaxed and calm. The effects of catnip usually last for about 10-15 minutes, after which the cat will lose interest in the herb.

Is Catnip Safe for Cats?

Catnip is considered safe for cats to ingest and smell. In fact, it is often used as a natural remedy for cats who suffer from anxiety or stress. However, it’s important to note that not all cats will react to catnip. The sensitivity to the herb is genetic, and some cats may not be affected by it at all.

It’s also worth mentioning that while catnip is safe for cats, it should not be given to them in excessive amounts. Too much catnip can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or even lead to addiction. It’s recommended to limit the amount of catnip given to a cat to one or two servings a week.

What Are the Benefits of Catnip?

Catnip has several benefits for cats. First and foremost, it can be an excellent tool for cat owners to use when training their cats. By using catnip as a reward, cat owners can encourage positive behavior in their cats, such as using the litter box or scratching posts.

Catnip can also help cats who suffer from anxiety or stress. The herb has a calming effect on some cats, and can help them to relax and feel more comfortable in their environment. This can be particularly useful for cats who are adjusting to a new home or have recently experienced a traumatic event.

Finally, catnip can be a great source of entertainment for cats. The herb can provide mental and physical stimulation, which is important for a cat’s overall health and wellbeing. Playing with catnip toys or providing fresh catnip leaves can help prevent boredom and keep a cat active.

Can All Cats Have Catnip?

As mentioned earlier, not all cats will react to catnip. The sensitivity to nepetalactone is genetic, and some cats may not have the receptors necessary to feel the effects of the herb. In addition, kittens under the age of six months are generally not affected by catnip.

It’s also worth noting that while domestic cats are the most likely to have a reaction to catnip, it’s not limited to them. Some big cats, such as tigers and lions, have been known to react to catnip as well.


In conclusion, catnip can be a safe and beneficial herb for cats. It can provide mental and physical stimulation, help alleviate anxiety and stress, and can be a useful training tool for cat owners. However, it’s important to remember that not all cats will react to catnip, and it should not be given in excessive amounts.

If you’re interested in introducing catnip to your cat, there are several ways to do so. You can purchase catnip toys or catnip spray, which can be used to encourage your cat to play or relax. You can also grow catnip plants in your home or garden, which can provide fresh catnip leaves for your cat to enjoy.

When using catnip, it’s important to monitor your cat’s reaction and behavior. If your cat shows signs of discomfort or reacts negatively to catnip, it’s best to discontinue use. Additionally, it’s important to remember that catnip should never replace other important aspects of your cat’s care, such as regular vet check-ups and a balanced diet.

Overall, catnip can be a fun and safe addition to your cat’s routine. Whether you’re using it as a training tool or simply as a source of entertainment, catnip can provide a range of benefits for your feline friend.

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